Hey, it's health coach Tara, and today we're going to talk about how to start keto in 2021. I'll share what you need to know for rapid fat loss with the Keto Diet. And, it's not going to be what you think 🤯.
How To Start Keto In 2021
You want results, and you want them quickly. You've likely heard story after story of people losing large amounts of fat very quickly with a ketogenic diet. So, here you are, ready to give it a try for yourself and hoping for even better results.
But, there is something not many people will tell you about keto – and it's not because they're trying to hide anything – it's simply because they have forgotten what it feels like to be NEW to the keto diet. The thing they fail to talk about upfront is that the keto diet is difficult to start. And, for some, with strong sugar or carb addictions, very difficult to maintain.
I want you to succeed.
Now, why would I share this with you? I'm a health coach who specializes in keto. I have online video courses, a 30 Day Keto Planner, a Deluxe (90 Day Keto Planner), tear-off pads, and even a keto cupcake cookbook. So, why would I tell you the keto diet is hard?!
Well, it's because I want you to be successful. Over the past three years, as I've coached clients and my members, I've learned why most people fail at keto. I've spent the last decade studying psychology and neuroscience to help coach people to get out of their own way, shift their mindset, and get the results they crave.
Tip #1: Prepare your mind ahead of time
Psych yourself up for the challenge. A challenge that will be well worth the effort. The #1 reason people fail when they first start keto is that someone told them it was going to be easy. So, let's bust that myth right now.
We do not want to set up our minds to expect it to be easy. Instead, let's tell our mind that this is a challenge worth the hard work because there are powerful results on the other side. This way, if keto is easier than your mind expects it to be, your mind is much less likely to try and convince you to quit.
Tip #2: Set yourself up to stay motivated to eat keto every day
We all know that motivation is fleeting. What I don't want to happen is for you to get three days into the keto diet and then be crushed by the keto flu, and give in and eat all the carbs and have to start all over again. This is a vicious cycle that has many people quitting just before they begin to see results and is not reflective of how to start keto in 2021.
What is the secret to being motivated every day? To get yourself to stick to your goals instead of giving in to temptation? Research shows that people with a strong commitment statement, a strong purpose, and a strong why are more likely to succeed at creating a new health behavior.
Create your strong why
Yeah—it sounds super cheesy and annoying, doesn't it? But, if you want to know how to start keto in 2021 and be wildly successful, here's the thing, having a strong purpose you are deeply connected to is the foundation of your motivation. I see it work in myself and with my clients and members over and over again. When they finally get a strong connection with their purpose behind doing the keto diet, and no, it's not "I want to lose 50 pounds", I mean the real purpose for getting healthy. That's when everything changes for them and falls into place.
If you need help with this, I'll provide some resources to help you out like this video posted below (and more will be coming soon). But, I encourage you to spend some time on this and get really clear on your purpose. Because your purpose will set the foundation for every decision you make. When you're tempted by something, you'll remind yourself of why you're making this effort. And your purpose needs to be strong enough and big enough to zap the temptation and allow you to shrug your shoulders and walk away. And, it's a key principle around how to start keto in 2021 so you can achieve your goals.
Tip #3: Know That The Keto Diet Is Different
The third tip on how to start keto in 2021 is this: The Keto Diet is powerful for fat loss and unlike anything you've tried because you are changing the primary fuel your body runs on. On a regular diet, we are sugar burners. The keto diet's goal is to change this, so you are literally burning fat for fuel. This is what makes the keto diet so powerful for fat loss. It has dozens of whole-body benefits beyond fat loss, and I encourage you to learn about these.
Your body will resist this change
But to get started with the keto diet, it is crucial to understand this basic concept. Because, as you transition from a sugar burner to a fat burner, your body is going to resist the change a bit. After all, it is quite comfortable being a sugar burner. Now, you will take the sugar (glucose) away and replace it with ketone bodies.
Ketone bodies are created when free fatty acids are broken down. There are three different types of ketone bodies. But what's important to know here is that it's happening. The symptoms (and signs) of transitioning your body to run on ketones often is called "The Keto Flu." But there's good news. You can avoid most of the symptoms of the keto flu.
Tip #4: Be Prepared So You Can Avoid The Keto Flu
Beat the Keto Flu with this Homemade Electrolyte Drink

This brings us to tip #4 on how to start keto in 2021. On day one of your keto diet, you have glycogen stores. To simplify the terminology, you can think of glycogen as sugars stored in your muscles and some organs. You have a few thousand calories worth of glycogen stored in your body. By comparison, a lean person has tens of thousands of calories worth of stored fat in the body. I want you to know there's plenty of fuel available to your body. It's just going to have to learn to tap into the fat stores and break them down into ketone bodies to fuel your physical body.
Your body is learning
On day one, you aren't eating more than 20g of carbs, but your body says, "No problem, I'll just use the stored glycogen." Somewhere between days two and four, your body runs out of stored glycogen, and this is when keto flu symptoms can start. Often this begins with fatigue, a headache, and feeling run down, much like when you first start feeling symptoms of the regular flu. Fortunately, there are supplements we can take to prevent these symptoms from becoming unbearable.
Supplements are important during this transition
In fact, experts agree that supplementation is important when transitioning to a ketogenic diet. You want to find a supplement designed to provide the nutrients and minerals we need to transition to being fat burners without loads of symptoms.
Think about your car. Would you attempt to drive your car without gas? oil? transmission fluid? power steering fluid? What if you had flat tires? Would you drive it around? Of course not!
Our bodies need specific inputs (nutrients & minerals) to run correctly. When we don't provide those inputs, the results are a wide variety of symptoms as our body continues to chug along without the stuff it needs. Supplementing correctly is critical to support your body's needs and an important part of how to start keto in 2021.

Buy good quality supplements
So what should you supplement with? Experts agree that you need to supplement with additional salt, magnesium, and potassium while on a ketogenic diet. But here's the problem with supplements...many of the products you'll find on store shelves and online are a waste of money.
Not all supplements are created equal, and there's not a lot of regulation on how bioavailable the ingredients in a supplement are to your body. So, instead of pouring your money down the drain and using a product that doesn't even help you avoid the keto flu—take a recommendation from someone like me.
What we recommend:
You'll find a list of supplements we personally take included below. But, I want to take just a moment and let you know that electrolytes don't have to be in liquid form and added to your water. There are also options where you can take electrolytes in a capsule instead. This is what I do most days.
Our favorite product for people just starting keto is Hy-Lyte Capsules (or liquid). Just be sure you drink plenty of water. For the best pricing, order directly from their website (link here) and use the coupon code TARAKETO for a discount on your order. Savings Tip: If you like their products, you can even sign up for their subscribe & save program to get them cheaper than you can on Amazon.
Supplements we use:
- Hi-Lyte Capsules use code TARAKETO to save 10% off your order
- Keto Chow: electrolytes (& meal replacement smoothies). Use this link for 10% off your first order.
Check out our health coach approved products by clicking here.
Other ways to replace electrolytes:
- Magnesium bath salts
- Redmonds Sea Salt - add high quality salt to your food to taste
Tip #5: Get rid of the temptation
If at all possible, get rid of all the sugary and carby foods that you may crave. Get them out of your house. If you need to, box them all up and ask a friend to store them for you. Or donate unopened and unexpired foods to a food pantry. If the keto flu strikes, it often comes with intense carb cravings. If you don't have your favorite carby and sugary foods in the house, you're much less likely to give in to a momentary temptation.
Tip #6 Find keto-friendly replacements for your favorite foods
As you get to know me, you'll find out that I love food and I love keto. Over the years, I've created hundreds of keto-friendly recipes to help people stick to the keto diet – but also have their cake and eat it too. The good news is, you can make a keto version of almost anything! And I'm picky. So, my recipes aren't published until they taste like the real thing or as close to the real thing as possible.
This is an important tip when learning how to start keto in 2021. Psychology and neuroscience research proves that when we're depriving ourselves, this tends to backfire. I mean, how fun is feeling deprived and bored with your food?
Discover delicious keto recipes here on this website and by signing up for our free weekly meal plans. Click here to learn more.

Tip #7 Don't trust packages with "Keto" on them
More and more companies are diving into the keto space with a variety of convenience products. This is a good thing, except that some of these products will undermine your results. This is why you'll see us posting product review videos and discussing products as we discover them on our live streams.
When you see a product labeled Keto or Low-Carb, pay special attention to the ingredients list. You want to avoid wheat ingredients (any kind of wheat), gluten, inulin, maltitol, isomalt, maltodextrin, and IMO's (Isomaltooligosaccharide), hydrogenated oils, and sugar by any name. Sugar-free chocolate and candies are a big user of maltitol, but it can spike your blood sugar, which undermines your body's ability to stay in a state of ketosis.
Guide: Sugar Substitutes That Won't Kill You

Tip #8: Invest in your health
Keto is a powerful diet for fat loss and a powerful diet to improve your health. If you are diabetic or insulin resistant, really take a hard look at how the keto diet can benefit your whole body's health. And, be sure you bring your doctor into the conversation as you'll likely need your insulin level adjusted. Sometimes within just a few days.
Know Your Baseline Numbers
When working with clients and members, I recommend they get baseline lab work done with their doctor. There are also some lab tests that are very useful that you can order yourself. I'll link to these below.
Above all, be willing to invest some time and money into building your health. We only get one body in this life, and it's crucial to invest in supporting our body's health.
Here's two companies we use personally for these tests:
- YourLabWork is a direct to consumer lab testing company that we trust for accurate results. Deep discounts are reflected in their pricing.
- LetsGetChecked has made many tests possible to do in the comfort of your home. We've linked to specific tests below. You can save 20% off your order through LetsGetChecked with coupon code TARA.
Understand Your Cholesterol
Advanced Lipid Panel - More than a basic cholesterol test, an advanced lipid panel will tell you your particle size which is an important part of understanding your cholesterol numbers. You'll also be tested for lipoprotein a, which is a risk factor that most people don't know about.
Vitamin D Test (Essential Vitamin Test)
An essential vitamin test can tell you a lot about your health and what essential vitamins you may be deficient in. Health Coach Tara's pick is an at-home test through LetsGetChecked. Click here to learn more and order with an automatic 20% discount. Or use coupon code TARA to save 20% at LetsGetChecked.
Omega 3:6 Ratio
The Omega test examines the blood for arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), by identifying levels of ARA and DHA, the test can determine whether you have an optimal ratio of Omega 3 and 6 in the system for good health.
Very few people are at an optimal level on the Omega-3 Index. Some experts think this number approaches 90% here in the United States. In countries like Japan, where the average Omega-3 index is 8.5-9.5%, early sudden cardiac death is rare. Multiple prospective studies of cellular aging confirms that optimal levels of Omega 3 index are highly desirable.
- For an at-home test kit, with a 20% discount, click here.
- To order through a lab, click here.
Understanding Stress And How It Can Prevent Weight Loss
Having your cortisol tested will help you understand the impact stress may be having on your body. When choosing a cortisol test, be sure and get one where you test FOUR times throughout the day and follow the instructions carefully. Cortisol should be high in the morning and decrease throughout the day. But, most cortisol tests are just a morning test giving you an incomplete picture.
This Adrenocortex Stress Profile evaluates bioactive level's of your body's important stress hormones: cortisol and DHEA. This profile serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, obesity, dysglycemia, and a host of other clinical conditions including the inability to lose weight.
Order Here: Adrenocortex Stress Profile: DHEA & 4 Sample Cortisol Saliva Home Test Kit
The adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA function to influence:
- Metabolism
- Anti-inflammatory response
- Thyroid function
- Resistance to stress

Tip #9: Don't go at it alone
You've probably heard about the research showing that we become like the people we surround ourselves with. This research shows that our habits, health, and weight are all heavily influenced by the people we are closest to.
Find accountability in a friend.
So, as you learn how to start keto in 2021, create accountability by inviting a friend to keto-with-you or join a social support group like our Whole Keto Group on Facebook. For even more accountability and coaching, join a group coaching program like our Sustainable Keto Membership.
This brings me to our final tip...
Tip #10: Commit 100% to keto for four weeks
Many people approach me and say, "Hey Coach Tara, I'm going to try this keto thing for a week and see what happens.". But the thing is, after a week, your body is just starting to get good at running off ketones. Keto for one week is unlikely to be useful for you. So, commit right now to one hundred percent keto for four solid weeks.
Take our 30 Day Keto Challenge with our line of beautifully designed keto planners. Click here to explore your cover and format options. Inside you'll find even more information around how to start keto in 2021.

We also offer free weekly meal plans. Sign up here.
If you would like a guided video course that teaches you everything you need to know to start keto in 2021, our 7 Day Keto Challenge Online Course has helped hundreds of people start keto quickly and is another great resource we've created for you.

And now, I want to provide you with one more bonus tip. And this is a good one.
Bonus Tip
Many will try Keto in 2021 and quit. But, not you.
Thousands of people will attempt the keto diet as we move into 2021, and most of them are going to fail and quit on themselves. I don't share this to be harsh or uncaring - the data simply shows this to be true. Here's how to not let that be you.
As a society, we need to shift how we think about failure. Take just a moment and imagine a baby just learning to crawl. He tries to push himself up with his hands and falls. Then, he tries again and again, falling each time. Eventually, days or weeks later, he did it! He's on his hands and knees. His parents are squealing with delight as they watch their baby work towards this considerable milestone of crawling.
Now, if you were the parent watching your baby push themselves up with one hand, would you feel ashamed and embarrassed because your baby didn't crawl the first time he tried? Would you say, "if you were meant to crawl, you would have the talent and would just get it right the first time, so just quit". No way!! But this is what we tell ourselves, as adults, every time we fail.
Failure is NOT a sign you're on the wrong path but is, in fact, a sign you're on the right track. Failure is a necessary part of success. We don't learn to crawl or walk or eat with a spoon on our first try.
Tara Wright, MBA, CIHC
Create a life you love to live in.
The same goes for this new dietary habit you're going to create. You will fail. And that's okay. Think of yourself as the baby learning to crawl when this happens. Tell yourself. Well, whoops. Time to try again. And don't wait for days or weeks, or months to try again. If the baby had waited that long, do you think he'd ever crawl? Instead, fail, and get right back up and dust yourself off and try again.
There's a lot to learn, but you are capable of doing this hard thing. You are capable of taking uncomfortable action so you can create a life and body you love to live in. You've got this!
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