3 Ingredient Skinny Margarita
This delicious, low-carb margarita recipe is perfect at the end of a hot summer day...
Mix up a big batch and take it to the next party you attend. You won't need to worry about having a keto-friendly drink and your friends will love it!
To make this skinny low-carb margarita, all you need is lime juice, liquid stevia, and tequila.
When I filmed this recipe, we had just returned from a vacation in Cancun and brought back a bottle of Don Julio which is pictured. It's our favorite tequila. I actually enjoy sipping an ounce by itself from time to time as the flavor is so crisp and clean.
Whats your favorite tequila? Tell me in the comments!
But Wait....Are you allowed to drink alcohol on the Keto Diet?
Yes. Alcohol (and this low-carb margarita) can have a place in your Keto Diet in moderation.
Here's a few things you should know...
First...Be in a state of ketosis for at least ten days before experimenting with adding alcohol.
Preferentially, avoid alcohol your first two to three weeks while your body adapts to this new way of eating. For instance, don't mix up this low-carb margarita until you've become fat-adapted. Otherwise, it could undo all your hard work.
Second...If you're going to enjoy a low-carb margarita or other cocktails, pair it with fat. My favorite way to do this is with cheese or a fat bomb!
Realize that alcohol is processed in your body similarly to sugar (but actually faster).
Alcohol has a place only in moderation. Drinking regularly will hinder your weight loss goals.
If you'd like to learn more, here's my video on Alcohol on a Keto Diet.
Is It OK to Drink Alcohol on Keto?
Now, let's get into the Skinny Low Carb Margarita Recipe!
Your New Favorite Keto Drink
Ingredients for Skinny Low Carb Margarita
Here's a few things you'll need to make your low carb margarita:
- Sweetleaf Stevia Drops
- Lime Vitality Essential Oil by Young Living (optional)
- Lime juice
- High quality tequila
Tutorial Video: Skinny Low Carb Margarita
Check out my YouTube channel “Tara's Keto Kitchen”!
I share new videos and recipes every week. Subscribe so you're notified by YouTube when the recipes post.
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📖 Recipe
Low Carb Margarita for the Keto Diet
- 1 ounce tequila
- 1.5 ounces lime juice
- 3-6 drops liquid stevia
- 2 drops Young Living Lime Vitality Essential Oil optional
- 4 ounces water
- ice
- Mix all ingredients.
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