Here you'll find a collection of the best keto Christmas recipes on my website.
Christmas tends to be a holiday filled with sugar, sugar and carbs everywhere. That's why, for me, it's essential I have an arsenal of delicious keto Christmas recipes to turn to.
I am a reformed sugar-pusher... around the holidays I would make batch after batch of sugar-filled treats to share with friends and family. I truly loved baking and candy-making and loved doing this in excess during the holidays.
These days, I've turned to using my experience to create delicious keto Christmas recipes. My friends still get treats... and are blown away by how delicious keto food can be.
"I've never tasted diet food...that... well... tasted delicious!"
This phrase or a twist on this phrase is something I've heard over and over and when they catch me baking...I give anyone who stops by taste-tests of what I'm making in my keto test kitchen.
In fact, as I type up this blog post I have my third test batch of a new keto recipe in the oven! Any guesses to what it might be??
Allrighty, let's get to the best keto Christmas recipes my website has to offer...

Wait! Before you dive into the best keto Christmas recipes on my website...
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
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Keto Eggnog (Cooked)
Christmas is full of special drinks & cocktails. I've created a few different keto Christmas drink recipes so you can indulge and still stick to your keto diet. These are, of course, featured in this post with the best keto Christmas recipes on my website.
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
Keto Irish Cream (Bailey's Copycat)
Why not mix some Sugar free Kahlua into your Sugar free Irish Cream?
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
Sugar Free Kahlua
Now that your keto holiday cocktails are taken care of, let's look at a few of my favorite keto christmas recipes for treats!
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
Dark Chocolate Toasted Coconut Clusters
Is Christmas complete without some Keto Christmas Sugar Cookies??
This is our MUST-MAKE Keto Christmas Recipe!
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
Keto Sugar Cookies
The final recipe in this collection is my Keto Lemon Cream Pie. It' features a crust made with hazelnuts. Yum! Your friends and family will be requesting this one time and time again!
You can get a printable keto Christmas recipe e-book here.
Keto Lemon Cream Pie
I will be adding to this collection of the best keto Christmas recipes on my website as the years go by. I am always open to suggestions for what to make next. Please comment below with any ideas you have for keto recipes that could go in this category.
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