Here I've collected nine of my all-time favorite fat bomb recipes that we use to boost our ketogenic diet.
The most important thing to know when you are making yourself some of these satisfying fat bombs... is to use the highest quality fats you can afford.
The Golden Rule of Fat Bombs
The unfortunate truth is that we've been sold a bill of goods about fats... Marketers have pushed unhealthy & toxic fats like Canola oil as a "health food". We've been told that saturated animal fats cause us to be fat and cause heart disease.
The science doesn't back this up.
What the science DOES show us is that highly processed and refined oils such as vegetable oil, corn oil, canola (grapeseed) oil, safflower oil... are all toxic to our bodies. Causing inflammation and a host of other problems.
Nature doesn't make unhealthy fats... people do by processing and refining.
So, the simple rule to follow is to choose unrefined fats. When you can afford to, choose organic options.
When making these fat bomb recipes, you'll find some kind of nut butter in them. This is to make the consistency more pleasing. You'll want to avoid any nut butter with vegetable oil added. Vegetable oil is toxic and very bad for your health.
If you're interested in a deep dive into this topic, I recommend the book "Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food" available on Amazon.
This book is a phenomenal resource on health and was recommended to us by a psychiatrist we met at Low Carb USA in Florida in January of 2019. It's a book we've read cover to cover multiple times since and return to time and time again as a resource or a starting point for research on various topics.
![8 different fat bombs shown separately on a header graphic for pinterest that reads 9+ fat bomb recipes](
9+ Fat Bomb Recipes
Now for my collection of fat bomb recipes! I can't wait to hear which flavor is your favorite.
For me personally... my top three favorite fat bomb recipes are:
- Maple Pecan Fat Bombs
- Coconut Fat Bombs (both the regular and the chocolate)
- Almond Crunch Fat Bombs
Coconut Fat Bomb Recipe
Maple Pecan Fat Bomb Recipe
Macadamia Nut Fat Bomb Recipe
Almond Crunch Fat Bomb Recipe
Strawberry Creme Fat Bomb Recipe
Vanilla Latte Fat Bomb Recipe
Peppermint Fat Bomb Recipe
Pumpkin Fat Bomb Recipe
Coconut Cream Fat Bomb Recipe
Coming Soon....
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