A report suppressed by the Environmental Proection Agency, the Department of Defense AND the White House was released just a few days ago on June 20th, 2018.
Why was this report suppressed?
Due to FEAR of a "public relations nightmare"
The Nightmare?
The study that shows "the EPAs guidelines for PFAS levels in drinking water woefully underestimate risks to human health"
In fact... the report concludes that "the minimal risk level" for exposure to PFOA and PFOS should be SEVEN to TEN times LOWER than previously recommended by the EPA.
Say What?
Yeah, you read that right. That water you've been so proud of yourself for drinking enough of-- is contaminated with dangerous PFAS and PFOA--at unsafe levels.
So What Are PFAS and PFOA?
These two nasty chemicals are called Perflourinated chemicals (PFCs).
PFCs are compounds that are used when making everyday products because they make products more resistant to stains, grease and water.
Some of the PFCs are byproducts of manufacturing other compounds.

99% of us have these chemicals in our bodies because they are so widespread and are resistant to biodegradation. That means that even though these are banned, they will remain in our environment and bodies for decades.
According to the Environmental Working Group, PFOA exposure has been linked to:
- High Cholesterol
- Decreased Sperm Quality
- Kidney Disease
- Thyroid Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Other Health Issues
According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Animal Studies on PFC's have been shown to:
- Reduce Immune Function
- Disrupt Normal Endocrine Function
- Cause Adverse Effects on Multiple Organs (Liver & Pancreas)
- Cause Developmental Problems
The article goes on to say that human health studies vary in their results.

Are the real results being hidden?
The fact is...
We humans have polluted our environment.
We are exposed to thousands of chemicals each day and we don't even realize it. These chemicals are leading to side effects that are contributing to preventable disease.
As Americans, we are fat, sick, tired and we are fed up with it!
It's time to take action.
Get educated.
Refuse to spend money on toxic chemicals.
The Environmental Working Group is a great resource to get educated.
If you want to take the shortcut...
Sign up in the box below with your name and email and I'll keep you updated with classes, courses and worksheets that will be coming over the next few months.
Together, we'll join to reduce our exposure to toxins and live a healthier life. Join me...
Unfortunately, this isn't the ONLY chemical that is damaging our bodies. I'll help you uncover the lies and learn how to find

Referenced Research:
- Toxicological Profile for Perfluoroalkyls https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp200.pdf
- HHS Releases ‘Nightmare’ PFAS Chemical Study Suppressed by Scott Pruitt, White House Confirms Exposure to Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Should be 10X Lower Than EPA’s Estimates https://www.ewg.org/release/hhs-releases-nightmare-pfas-chemical-study-suppressed-scott-pruitt-white-house#.WyzZtyBOnAQ
- https://www.ewg.org/research/dirty-dozen-list-endocrine-disruptors#.WyzZ66dKjAR
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