Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honey bees who then use it to form the cells needed for honey-storage within the beehive. Beeswax is naturally a yellow or brown color due to the mixing of pollen oils into the wax.
There are man-made versions of beeswax that are manufactured to look just like natural beeswax. Do you research and make sure you are purchasing the real deal.
The majority of the DIY recipes that call for beeswax are for skincare. Body butters, lip moisturizer, cuticle cream are a few things we have made using beeswax. In these products, it helps our skin retain moisture and can sooth skin irritations.
We also have used beeswax to create a moisture barrier on canvas shoes. We just smeared the beeswax on and let the shoes become warm for the beeswax to melt in. It has worked great on a pair of white canvas shoes.
Beeswax is considered safe & non-toxic and is a great ingredient for your DIY needs.
Beeswax has historically been used for medicine and is currently widely used in foods & beverages as stiffening agents, in cosmetic products (check your lip balm label), lubrication or polishing products, waterproofing materials, pharmaceuticals as wax for candles and much more.
Common Beeswax Uses Around The Home
You can make candles using Beeswax and scent them with Essential Oils. Candles make great romantic ambience and are good to have in-stock in case of emergencies.
I keep a small piece of beeswax in my sewing kit to wax the thread before threading the needle. This is a trick I found somewhere online when I re-taught myself to sew this past year. I was having problems getting the needle threaded on my sewing machine and just love using beeswax as a solution.
Sealing Granite Counter tops
I found this Beeswax use as I was researching this article and we are going to try it on our granite counter tops as they are ready to be re-sealed. I’ll update this article when we do.
However, the instructions I found are to spread molten beeswax on the counter top and let it absorb. Then buff it off with a suede cloth.
You can use Beeswax to lubricate squeaky furniture, drawers that like to “stick”, hard to move windows or even squeaky door hinges. It’s a great all-purpose lubricant.
Rust Prevention
Coating your tools in beeswax will help prevent them from rusting. Think about your shovels, gardening tools, hand tools. Even the handles can be polished with beeswax to help slow wear and tear from normal use.
Furniture Polish
You can make a simple furniture polish by melting one tablespoon of grated beeswax with three tablespoons of coconut oil. Then mix in a few drops of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil. Once the mixture is cool and hardened simply rub it on with a clean cloth and then buff with another cloth until you have a nice sheen.
Body Butter
I use a small amount of beeswax when I make body butter to give it a nice stable consistency. I’ve had the most success with shaving/shredding the beeswax as the pellets are difficult for me to get completely melted. I use 1 cup raw Shea Butter, 1 cup Coconut Oil, 1 TBS Jojoba Oil, 1 TBS shredded beeswax. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler and then add the shea butter. Keep the temperature low. Once combined stir in the Coconut oil (it melts fairly quickly) and then remove from heat. Stir in the Jojoba Oil and Essential Oil of choice. Our favorite combination is Lavender, Tea Tree and Frankincense Essential Oil to support skin health and to prevent unsightly bumps in the summer.
Safety Note: Avoid using any citrus oil in your personal care products as citrus oils can cause photo sensitivity. If you apply citrus oil on your skin, avoid the sun for 24-36 hours.
There are many DIY recipes out there using Beeswax. Please share your favorite recipes and uses with us in the comments.
25 Ways to Use Beeswax
Bee Wax Uses You Probably Don't Know
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