Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has gotten a lot of attention in the world of weight loss. In my research I read story upon story that had me wondering just what ACV can do for our health.
The ACV we are referring to is the version that is raw, unpasteurized and contains “the mother”. Not all of the products out there are the same. We highly recommend the Bragg brand and you’ll find links to it in this article. You can find it at almost any grocer or online at Amazon if you follow the link.
Apple Cider Vinegar is made from apples which are crushed and fermented. Once the solution has matured a web-like substance called the “mother” becomes visible.
The presence of “the mother” indicates the ACV contains enzymes and minerals and is the most nutritious part of the Apple Cider Vinegar. Shake your bottle of ACV slightly before pouring so you are sure to get some in your daily dose.
Apple Cider Vinegar touts a large number of wellness benefits. One of the most popular claims in the media is for weight-loss. So does it work?
According to the Official Journal of the American Diabetes Association, studies have shown that ACV is effective in helping to control blood glucose and insulin levels by reducing the Glycemic Index of foods.
Further research showed that while ACV is a healthy addition to any diet-- it’s benefits are subtle with regards to weight-loss. However, subtle benefits are good benefits so I encourage you to give it a try.
I notice that when I have this drink up to twice a day I am less likely to snack between meals, have more energy and just feel better overall.
A word of warning: ACV is acidic and can be harmful to your teeth. Do not brush your teeth right after consuming apple cider vinegar. Wait about 30 minutes before brushing. Avoid any advice that indicates ACV or any vinegar for as a pre-brush mouthwash. Consider using a straw when you drink your ACV and start slowly.
Here are a few of my favorite recipes for a delicious ACV drink.
Basic ACV Drink
1 Tablespoon Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Raw Honey
8 ounces distilled water
Mix together & enjoy.
Spiced ACV Drink
1 Tablespoon Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Raw Honey
1 drop Young Living Vitality Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
8 ounces distilled water
Mix 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality into the teaspoon of raw honey and then mix into the ACV & Water mixture. Sip & enjoy this refreshing spiced drink.
Immune Supporting ACV Drink
1 Tablespoon Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Raw Honey
1 drop Young Living Vitality Thieves Essential Oil
8 ounces distilled water
Mix 1 drop Thieves Vitality into the teaspoon of raw honey and then mix into the ACV & Water mixture. Sip & enjoy this refreshing spiced drink.
Post your experiences & recipes in the comments section of this post. We love hearing from you.
Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
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